American Express Portals


To take our current servicing capabilities to the next level with a deep dive into the user experience. This would in effect produce millions of dollars in cost savings through more efficient call center usage. Allowing our Customers and Call Center Professionals to identify and resolve American Express financial requests and complications in a timely manor.

We focus on two demographics. The first being the Call Center Professional who assists the consumer with any American Express need via the phones. Our second demographic is the American Express consumer.


At American Express our primary research method is hosting focus groups, wether that be with Call Center Professionals right off the phones or a group of consumers. These groups help identify pain points in todays user journey amongst the existing portals.


I maintain and work on multiple portals at American Express. From the call center portal to the consumer facing portal, they integrate with one another to make sure a smooth experience between the two users.

Utilizing the AMEX style guide to design high fidelity mockups and prototypes.



The journey closely resembles the consumer facing interface to assist call center professionals in guiding customers through the process.

Education expedites or avoids future calls, freeing up the line for other customers in turn saving the company time and money via efficiency


Similar to our research, focus groups are utilized for validation purposes as well. We can design Invision prototypes and walk groups through a journey to gain approval and/or concerns.

When working with Project Owners and other stakeholders we can perform Wizard of Oz walk throughs. This is when we provide a prototype and a list of tasks for the test subject to perform. We then monitor the success levels to find areas of improvement.


We work with SCRUM teams who help manage the transition from designer to developer. We create in-depth prototypes that our developers can utilize to understand the intricacies within the portals.